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Top Flamenco Guitar Tip for Students: Using a Metronome!

One of the better ways to practice flamenco guitar and to improve is with a metronome. We list our favourite online tool

by Michael & Rafael

Rafael has taught and performed flamenco guitar for over 40 years, including many famous stars – from EOB (Radiohead) to Jack Peñate (recorded with Adele).

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One of the things Rafael gets asked the most is what you should and should not when you practice. His first 'lethal weapon' is ... the metronome!

This is one of the best tips Rafael has for flamenco guitar students – to make sure you own a metronome. Some players (such as Rafael) likes the nice mechanical click of physical metronomes – and you can see the physical distance between the notes – which is never a bad thing when it comes to practicing with a dancer.

Online flamenco metronomes such as Acompas come with default settings that adapt to the palo (e.g. buleria, alegria, rumba) which is handy if you are happy to use a website or app – handy if you're on the move.

Rafael also recommends having a mirror (or computer camera) so you can keep an eye on your posture and playing - bad habits will inevitably creep in for all players, but at least with a mirror you can catch yourself slipping.

Tired of playing the same chords over and over?

A new course for flamenco guitar beginners. Join thousands of other students taught by Rafael Lloyd Iglesias.